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HomeNewsCity of Williams Lake taking in applications for the 2024 Event Hosting...

City of Williams Lake taking in applications for the 2024 Event Hosting Grant

Applications for the May 2024 intake of the semi-annual Event Hosting Grant is being accepted by the City of Williams Lake.

The grant would provide stimulus and seed money to help local non-profit’s bid, host, develop, grow, market and administer multi-day events, bringing in participants outside the community.

The hope is to attract new, and grow existing events and have new opportunities for the City, and help diversify the local economy for both sport and cultural development.

A total of $5,000 has been allocated in the City’s annual budget for the Event Hosting Grant.

Applications and more information for the grant can be found on the City’s website, with the deadline set for May 30th.

The grant has two annual deadlines, including the end of May, and the end of November.

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