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HomeNewsFunding For Surgical Equipment Approved For GR Baker Memorial Hospital

Funding For Surgical Equipment Approved For GR Baker Memorial Hospital

GR Baker Memorial Hospital in Quesnel will be getting a much needed piece of equipment replaced thanks to some funding.

The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board approved a $122,800 commitment to Northern Health’s purchase and installation of a new surgical tower.

Board Chair Al Richmond said the surgical tower is essential equipment and is required for most elective procedures.

Northern Health identified the need to replace some very important equipment in the Operating Room at GR Baker Hospital. Project cost is just over $300,000 and the Board is committed to provide our 40% funding towards the monitoring equipment for patients well being during surgeries.”

The new tower will replace one existing tower at the GR Baker Memorial Hospital which has reached its end of life and no longer meets current surgical requirements.

We’re pleased to see the continual upgrading from Northern and Interior Health authorities and pleased that they are providing good care in these difficult times for patients in the Hospital,” Richmond said, “we’re also glad to be able to do our (Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board) part with any assistance.”

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