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HomeNews100 Mile HouseWilliams Lake Councillor joining BC NDP as a candidate for the Cariboo...

Williams Lake Councillor joining BC NDP as a candidate for the Cariboo Chilcotin

The BC NDP announced their candidate for the Cariboo Chilcotin, with the provincial election right around the corner.

Williams Lake Councillor, Michael Moses was announced as the candidate on Sunday, May 19th, at the Senior Activity Centre, full of residents showing support.

Moses will be going in with some goals in mind to help improve the region and province.

“The goal with this is to have the opportunity to be able to help people that really need the help the most in our region.” says Moses.

“Our most vulnerable populations are having trouble with housing affordability, having trouble with finding housing in general, with the amount of healthcare.”

Another focus for Moses is addictions and the drug poisoning crisis, which he sees on a weekly basis on social media.

His role as a City Councillor will be affected as the election date approaches, where he will be taking a leave of absence in September.

If elected, he says it would be likely the City would need to look for a new City Councillor to fill the role.

Moses added that finding a new Councillor wouldn’t bother him, as he feels the community has a lot of great leaders.

The provincial election is scheduled for October 19th, 2024.

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