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HomeNews100 Mile HouseCariboo-Chilcotin MLA in opposition of hunting regulation changes

Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA in opposition of hunting regulation changes

Changes to the limited-entry hunting regulation is seeing push-back from the opposition.

Some of the changes in the Cariboo included increase in hunting opportunity for white-tailed deer in the Cariboo, and closed antlerless mule deer limited-entry hunting in parts of the region.

MLA and Shadow Minister for Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship, Lorne Doerkson says these changes could hurt parts of the province.

“Our lobby is simply this, use science to make these decisions.” says Doerkson.

“The decisions that have come forward, they happen every two years, but they can have very significant impacts on not just the wildlife, but certainly economies of different parts of our province.”

Doerkson says it isn’t just him asking for more science based decisions, as he hears from various groups across the province calling for the same thing.

He added that a serious exchange was had between him and the previous Forest Minister Katrine Conroy regarding the grizzly bear hunt and stoppage of it, which gave no indication of science used, but a matter of public opinion.

Doerkson wonders who the public is, as he hears the opposite.

The previous story of the limited-entry hunting regulation changes can be found here.

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