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HomeNewsArena referendum date set

Arena referendum date set

A new referendum date has been set for a new arena in Quesnel North Cariboo residents will vote on June 14th and while the exact wording of the question hasn’t been determined yet taxpayers will be asked to borrow up to 7.5 million dollars for a new facility. The North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee, which includes Quesnel City Council and the northern Cariboo Regional District Directors, have asked staff to some up with the question as well as a bylaw by their next meeting on April 8th.

Here Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom talks about the impact the 7.5 million dollars would have on taxpayers…

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Mayor Sjostrom says the Joint Planning Committee has endorsed the vision of a 1600 seat arena built out of engineered steel with wood accents. She says their decision follows a public consultation process that included two public meetings as well as several other meetings with stakeholders. Mayor Sjostrom says everything still has to be approved by the Cariboo Regional District Board.




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